It all starts with… microorganisms.
Their role in food production.

The post-conference materials includes: “It all starts with microorganisms – their role in agricultural production”, as well as videos recorded on farms using Microbiotix microbial preparations

Proudly work with:

Why us?

Live bacteria along with endospores

We guarantee over a billion colonies of living organisms per millilitre of the preparation. In our preparations, we offer both live and dormant forms. Live forms are ready to work immediately, while dormant forms require more time from application to start working, but they are highly resistant to external conditions.


The microorganisms used in the preparations belong to different genera (Lactobacillus, Entherobacter, Rhodococcus, Bacteriobifidium, Rhodopseudomonas, Saccharomyces, Pseudomonas). A common feature of these microorganisms is the lactic acid fermentation process and opportunistic feeding. They originate from Polish soils and the Polish collection of tested strains.


Here they are highly effective in limiting fungal and bacterial diseases, including fusarium ssp. in grains and vegetables, botrytis, sclerotinia in rapeseed, and powdery mildews in orchards. This also applies to bacterial diseases, such as Pseudomonas. They are not plant protection products. Their action involves quickly occupying the space that pathogens would normally occupy.

For crops
and breeding

The universal application of our preparations works well in crop production as well as animal breeding, thanks to the addition of a strain of bacteria that also influences the processes of acetic acid fermentation, Entherobacter and Bacillus strains, as well as extracts from seven species of herbs. The preparation protects the mucous membrane of cattle, pigs and poultry.


We believe that reliable advice is as important as the quality of the preparations sold. As qualified experts, with years of experience in the cultivation and breeding industry, we also provide our services in the form of advice. We have well-developed horizontal structures that allow for a quick response and communication with our customers.

See more reasons
why it is worth using our preparations

See evidence of the effectiveness
of the products amongst what we offer

Expert’s opinion

Every day I observe adverse changes in soil quality and biological balance in agricultural ecosystems. We must change the way we farm by increasing the use of biological preparations based on microorganisms. This trend is irreversible.

Jacek Molenda

The use of new technologies based on microorganisms has become a reality. Lack of proper crop rotation and poor agricultural practices are decreasing soil fertility. This results in agricultural production becoming less and less profitable.
Excessive use of chemicals is destroying beneficial microflora and fauna, and all of this is coupled with changing regulations reducing the use of hard chemicals. We must meet these challenges and turn to biological protection methods.

Paweł Kwiatkowski

We have been doing business with Microbiotix for 2 years now. By introducing biological methods, we improve the stress resistance of planted seedlings. We graft onto robust rootstocks to give vegetables a better start right from the seedling growth stage.

Karol Grzeczka

In 2021, we used Microbiotix bacteria for the first time to inoculate the soil before growing green peas and to prevent fungal diseases. We also tried Microbiotix preparations on tomatoes for Kotlin Group.

These products hold promise for improving soil fertility and providing protection without the risk of pesticide residues.

I believe that they are the future of agriculture.

Aleksander Emerling

I think that we have gone too far with the use of pesticides, fertilisers and poor agricultural practices. I remember how wonderful the soil smelled after spring ploughing in my young days. I realised rather quickly that something bad was happening to it. I began to correct mistakes, introduced catch crops and proper crop rotation and finally started using Microbiotix bacterial preparations to treat the soil. It began to smell wonderful again.

Bacteria really do the trick.

Zbigniew Lebiedziński

I run a large vegetable farm. Intensive cultivation, sprinkling machines and pesticides decreased soil fertility. Observing the fields and plant growth, I came to the conclusion that some processes had to be eliminated and others had to minimised. Three seasons ago, I began to inoculate the soil with microorganisms, use Microbiotix humus restoration products and stimulate plant resistance using biological methods.

Regulations on active substances are changing. So this is one of the paths to follow.

Dawid Ryż

When it comes to interrelationships in agricultural ecosystems in the context of pathogens, I always highlight the importance of the food pyramid to my students. One of the key factors is the environment, and its current deterioration is facilitating the dominance of pathogens. One solution is to create balanced ecosystems and use beneficial microorganisms. I was very interested by the Microbiotix Prevent technology and its impact on the reduction of mycotoxins produced by fungi of the Fusarium genus. Mycotoxins are a large global problem, in particular in cereals and maize, but also in other crops.

Microbiotix has made a step in the right direction in the fight against these pathogens and a very clever one in terms of the aetiology of these pathogenic fungi.


Tomasz Kosiada, PhD

I have been doing business with Microbiotix Sp. z o.o. for several years now. It offers very interesting and innovative biological products,

used by our customers with great success for both foliar application, to fight pathogens causing such diseases as Fusarium wilt or grey mould, and soil application, to increase the number of beneficial microorganisms which are antagonists of soil pathogens.

Healthy and fertile soil is crucial for good yields and high-quality products.

I firmly believe that biological products will greatly improve our tired and saline soils. I highly recommend Microbiotix ☺

Stanisław Żuchowski

We administer Microbiotix Pre+Probiotic to calves together with colostrum. We split a 15 ml dose in half. The calves are more vigorous and eager to drink milk replacers. Diarrhoea does not occur. The calves are not treated with antibiotics. Their faeces are solid. We have not been using any anti-diarrhoeal preparations since introducing the bacteria.

As for cows, feeding group I receives the preparation. We add it to the TMR – once a day, at a dose of 75 ml. It seems to me that feed intake has increased. Somatic cell counts are also lower now.

It is a good product, worth applying.

Jarosław Borowski

In the 2022 season, we used the Microbiotix Prevent biological preparation for the protection of wheat ears for the first time. As recommended, we applied it at BBCH stages 51-59 (the beginning of heading). Our point of comparison is a field well protected with traditional fungicides. When comparing phytosanitary status, there are visually no differences between the use of bacteria and chemicals. In addition, we wrapped ears in wet cellulose wadding and closed them in a tight plastic bag. After 14 days of observation, we found no signs of Fusarium wilt infection. I am pleasantly surprised that a biological preparation and hard chemicals had the same effect. In the next season, we are going to use this technology in other crops as well: rapeseed and maize.

In this season, we are going to try using Microbiotix Pre+Probiotic in dairy farming.

Leszek Grzelak

Director of the Stud Farm in Dobrzyniewo

for professionals

Effective, biological methods of soil fertilisation, stimulating plant and animal immunity for both conventional and organic farmers.

for hobbyists

Preparations for every plot and garden.
Fruits and vegetables without chemicals!









Nature is not a petty matter

Soil is as important to us as water. Soils around the world are dying, losing their biological component!
Soil is the most important element in running a farm.
Healthy soil is the THEORY OF EVERYTHING!